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Free Software for Mac or Windows

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Malwarebytes     Free Malware Scanning - This program is lightweight and great for removing malware.  There is also a paid version, but the free version will scan for/remove malware very efficiently.  If you would like to purchase the paid version, call 970-775-1234 for a great deal!



Gimp     Free Image Editing Software - This program is as close as you are going to find to Free Photoshop.  It is completely open source, which means there is no paid version.  There are plenty of resources and how to videos on Youtube.



Blender     Free 3D Modeling - Rendering - Video Editing - Animation - Simulation Software - Great for 3D modeling as well as other tasks.  This is also open source and free!


If you are looking for free software for any other purpose, feel free to call 970-775-1234 and we can help!


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